I am so glad you are here! Let me introduce myself. My name is Shanna. I am a member of the fabulous and forties club. I am a mom of 3 biological children and have gained 4 more wonderful children by marriage. I am a GI GI, which is my favorite title. I am a... Continue Reading →

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 Growing In  Love 

We all grow up  having our thoughts, even dreams of what kind of love we will experience as we grow and age. I remember my list of requirements from early on, my picture in my head of what it was going to look like, how being in love would feel… I chuckle a little now... Continue Reading →

New Year….

New year resolution, nahhh not this year. What I am thinking of is, what do I want to be mindful of this new year? It's a new year and each year I make these New Year resolutions and then life happens, excuses happen and I put them on the back burner with everything else or life... Continue Reading →

Finding Home

Dedicated to Anthony Scott Ellis - Thank you for not only being home for me, but for seeing, and loving me. HOME..... When you think about home, what does that mean? I used to think that "Home" was a place. For some it may be just that, a physical dwelling that gives them a sense... Continue Reading →


Sometimes…. Sometimes in life we face struggles. We struggle with decisions we make for our lives. Decision related to our careers, our families, our marriages. Sometimes our plans are blown out of the water and God lands us on what seems like another planet.Sometimes it leaves us feeling overwhelmed in the midsts of the end... Continue Reading →

The Stillness

What is your stillness? Have you ever listened to that voice in your head that says, " I just need a moment, just a moment to be still, in the quiet." A moment to drownd out the rest of the world, the noise of chatter in the house, the noise of televisions, phones, voices from... Continue Reading →

A Day to Celebrate

 So many people reach our age and think “Ehhh, it’s just another day!”  Just another day? I whole heartedly disagree. Every one of us were created to be unique. Have you ever just thought about that? There is not one person out there that is YOU. There may be another out there that has similar... Continue Reading →

You Wouldn’t Want Me To

I have been dreading this day coming... it was coming fast. This last year has been such a difficult year for so many reasons. You, Bud, Covid, Spot. If I was to give this last year a title it would be, The Year of Loss. I feel like we have all lost so much this... Continue Reading →

Refreshed- God & ME

By Shanna Kayla Ellis Have you ever questioned who it is you are?  Finding yourself sitting thinking about all the things in your life you have carried around with you, things that have had an affect on WHO you are or who you once were? Have you ever questioned exactly WHO AM I without all... Continue Reading →

When I’m Gone

What will you hold on to when I am gone... I find that now as I grow older, I am in a much different frame of mind. I think differently. I love differently. I process things differently. I treat people differently. My priorities are different... The world is evolving at such a fast pace and... Continue Reading →

A Piece of My Heart In Heaven

It's been about a year now since you found out that you were sick. It's been a lot to absorb. I remember when you told me that the Doctor called and wanted to see you in the office for your results. My heart instantly sank. We talked about the possibilities of what could be said... Continue Reading →

Pay Attention, Be Present

I speak a lot about my journey. I speak of being thankful and living each day to be better. When we are walking through life with our eyes wide open, the movie of life is filled with so much "stuff." I am working a contract right now, I get up very early, I screen employees getting... Continue Reading →

Be The Change You Wish To See

Letting Go My heart is sinking. Every channel, every news report, it is the same thing. People are rising up in anger, frustration, sorrow, despair, desperately seeking justice and change. They want change, so many are so lost about how to get it. Justice. What is true justice for something like this? This isn't the... Continue Reading →

Tired, Still Open-minded

TIRED but still open minded..... I am sure I am not the only one sick of this Covid-19 reality but I learned some things today. I feel the need to share... it might be lengthy, might not but might be interesting to some. Everyone has an opinion but why are we taking sides?I am not... Continue Reading →

The Unknown…..

I don't know about you, I myself have many thoughts and questions related to this "virus." Actually, I have many emotions related to the current situation happening in our world. For one I would like to know why we didn't pay more attention if it had been going on in China since last November, December... Continue Reading →

The Little Things

To some this will sound silly, to others, well you'll instantly relate. Today I received the best present I could have ever received from my sweet husband. No special occasion, just a regular day. Recently we celebrated our wedding anniversary. We went to dinner and after, saw Cats on tour. It was a wonderful night.... Continue Reading →

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